At TalentFore, we prepare you to succeed in the aptitude test that you will face during the Job selection process. We prepare you by providing an exhaustive number of assessments to practise based on industry standards with solutions to each question. Employers use aptitude test as a means of testing a Job applicant's abilities to perform specific tasks at a particular level and react to a range of different situations.
It helps Organisations gain an in-depth understanding of what a potential employee knows, understands and can do, employers use such tests and obtain a rounded knowledge of a prospective employee’s ability to communicate effectively, think logically, solve problems, and generally comprehend and analyse numerical and written information.
With your subscription access 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, wherever you are.
We offer only the best tests, every question created by experts.
Every question in each test comes with a clear, fully worked solution.
Numerical reasoning tests are use to check a Candidate's ability to deal with numbers quickly and accurately. Numerical reasoning tests contain questions that assess your knowledge of percentages, number series, data interpretation, ratios, currency conversion and number logic.
Verbal reasoning tests are used to check a Candidate's ability of understanding text and comprehension skills. Verbal reasoning tests are used by recruiters to check how well a candidate can extract information and interpret from a short passage of text before answering questions. A candidate is required to respond with meaning, inference, and implications from the text provided.
Diagrammatic reasoning tests are used by employers to check a Candidate's logical reasoning ability through interpretation of data and solving problems. The questions used are to measure a candidate's ability to infer a set of rules from a sequence of diagrams or flowchart and then to apply those rules to a new situation.
Situational Judgement Tests are used by recruiters to assess behaviour and attitudes to work-related scenarios. Candidates are presented with hypothetical scenarios that they might experience during their job and are expected to react based on the sitaution. These tests tell the employer about how aligned you are with the values of the Organsiation.
Emotional intelligence tests (or “emotional quotient,” as it’s sometimes known) are used to check a candidate's ability to to identify and manage one's own emotions as well as the emotions of others. Emotional intelligence is what we use when we empathise with our coworkers. It allows us to connect with others and understand ourselves better.
Email Is a Skill and Learning It Matters. When you are job searching, you’ll likely use email for many reasons. According to research by the McKinsey Global Institute, the average employee spends two and a half hours per day dealing with email. Wonder, then, why there are so many sloppily written emails floating all over. On the other hand, if the email is central to our lives, shouldn't it be a skill we've all mastered?